Movement Menu

    • Next step is to slot the products
    • Go back to the Main Menu
    • Select 1 for Movement
    • Scan Equipment #
    • Answer equipment checklist

Pick up pallet to place on equipment/lift

  • Method 1
    • Scan the pallet/s code in the staging area
    • Repeat process until all items is on your lift/equipment
    • Scroll up/down to confirm all items are on your lift.

  • Method 2
    • Enter P (Pkup) to pick up pallet
    • Scan the pallet code in the staging area
    • Press Enter to confirm pallet
    • Repeat process until all items are on your lift/equipment
    • Scroll up/down to confirm all items are on your lift.

Deliver to Slot location

  • Method 1
    • Scan pallet code
    • Scan location
    • Repeat until all items are move from your lift to the corresponding slot location
  • Method 2
    • Highlight the pallet you want to slot
    • Press D (Dlvr) to deliver pallet to a location
    • Scan the slot location
    • Repeat until all items are move from your lift to the corresponding slot location

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