• Starting the WMS Simulator (RF Client)

          • Double-click WMS Simulator icon from the desktop

          • Select from Start > All Programs > AFS > WMS Simulator

      • Selecting the Unit

          • Select Telxon Forklift [40×8]

      • Logging into the RF Client

          • Log in with User ID and Password

      • Exiting the RF Client

          • Always end shift before closing RF Client
          • Main Menu > 8 Exit > SHIFTEND
          • After ending shift, click the X on the top right

      • RF Client Interface

          • WMS Main Menu
            • The RF main menu contains the following functions:

              1. Movement – Select this option to move inventory such as putting inventory away that was received from the warehouse dock to a pick location or storage area.  Movement is also used for getting tasks to move inventory, such as for replenishing pick locations.
              2. Count – Select this option to cycle count locations.  To use this option a count session must be created.
              3. View/Locate – Select this option to view a location, product lookup for an item, find empty locations, find where a pallet LPN is in WMS and view or add a dedicated pick location for an item.  View/Locate is also used for adjusting inventory.
              4. Receive – Select this option to receive inventory against an inbound order.
              5. Pick – Select this option to select inventory for an outbound order.
              6. Load Count Audit – Select this option to perform an audit for inventory picked for an outbound order prior to loading the inventory onto the truck\trailer.
              7. Loading – Select this option to load inventory onto a truck\trailer for an outbound order.
              8. Exit – Select this option to logout of WMS.
          • File Menu
        • Navigation
          • Arrow Keys
          • Using the numpad to select menus
          • Hotkeys to execute commands (capital letter on word)
          • Esc to go back a screen

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